Friday, July 24, 2009

15 months....

Brooklyn is 15 months and is absolutley into everything. Her favorites "finds" are mommy's lipstick, the dog food, books with pages she can rip and any kind of drawer! Thanksfully she hasn't discovered the toilet paper roll yet!!! Ha! A friend from church told me to watch out because she may start putting things down the toilet! I had not even thought of that yet! I am so glad that God created children so that as they approach a new stage I am ready and able to handle all the new adventures that go with it! It has been a blast and everyday a new adventure!

My doctor told me that "terrible 2's start around 15 months! Oh No! I thought I still had a while to prepare for that. She is a very happy little girl though most all of the time. However she has been teething this week and s not too thrilled about that!

We love her so much!

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